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The Yokohama Tire Company

Yokohama came to us with the ambition to keep their brand top-of-mind with American drivers, which isn’t an easy task for any tire manufacturer. Tires are generally a grudge purchase, bought only when a mechanic recommends it, or when one has left you on the side of the road. Knowing that the gatekeepers for tire purchases are tire shop employees who also happen to be enthusiastic about cars, we pivoted toward increasing the enthusiast’s enthusiasm so they would think about Yokohama more often when recommending tires. This way, we didn’t have to try to broaden our appeal to “car drivers”, but instead we just had to speak the language of “car enthusiasts.”

With a robust strategy aimed at these tire pros and other automotive enthusiasts, we helped Yokohama increase their social following 10x over two years, to more than 1M followers across Facebook/Instagram/Twitter.

Client: The Yokohama Tire Company
Assignment: Social Marketing
Role: Social Strategy Lead
Agency: INK

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American Refractive Surgery Council: Content Strategy


Coda: Social media